Text 1:

Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.
English is my mother tongue. Besides, I can speak French and Spanish. I studied the two languages when I was at high school. Now, I am still learning Spanish at the University. As for me, mastering a foreign language is not easy. After studying a language, practice is very necessary and useful. Traveling to the country where the target language is spoken is very helpful, but if you cannot speak the language well enough you will certainly have troubles. I also frequently go to the movies, watch television, listen to the radio in the language I am trying to learn. Reading is another good way to learn. Books are good, but I personally think newspapers and magazines are better. However, getting some knowledge of the language is the most important thing. Grammar and vocabulary should be mastered first. 

Text 2:

Read the following letter and choose the option (A, B, C, D) to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits cach of the timbered blanks Rice is eaten by Vietnamese people every day. It often __(31)__ in tropical countries such as Vietnam, Thailand or Malaysia. The Chinese have also been growing rice for years. The seeds are planted in special beds to grow into young rice plants. Then they are taken to fields covered with muddy water called paddies. The fields of rice look very beautiful. After 3 or 5 months, the rice is ready to be picked. People often drain away water before _(32)_ rice. Eating rice is a special action __(33)__ the world. They don't use spoons or forks to enjoy bowls of rice. __(34)__ they use two short sticks known as chopsticks to put rice into their mouths. China and Vietnam are the two countries in which people use chopsticks very well.

Đề thi liên quan:

Danh sách câu hỏi:

Câu 7:

Text 1

The writer has learnt Spanish __________.

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Câu 8:

Text 1

Traveling may cause troubles if ____________.

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Câu 9:

Text 1

Some useful ways to practice your target language are _________.

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Câu 10:

Text 1

The most important thing is ­__________.

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Câu 21:

The city has a(n) _______ of around 19,000,000.

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Câu 23:

I can't go with you now because my homework _______ yet.

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Câu 27:

Lan _______ in the kitchen while her brother ______ her sister study English.

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Câu 33:

Text 2

Eating rice is a special action __(33)__ the world.

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